Saturday, March 6, 2010

Snuff Snapper? Nein! Schnupftabak-Schlender-Kanone!

A few years ago, my husband and I visited a German Restaurant in Minneapolis, MN. I was doubtful of it as german food is not my flavor fave. However, the whole experience was priceless! During our meal, we noticed the waitresses using a device on the patrons that were in a large group seated at a long table across the room. The waitresses would hold a wooden board up to a patrons face, then let a spring loaded delivery device snap up to the patrons nostrils (making a loud snapping sound). Then the group would yell, toast, and drink. Later, our waitress came over and asked if we would like to try it. This was a snuff delivery device. She insisted that we try it so we said we would if she would do it. She said, no problem, snapped the snuff up her nose, started crying and ran out of the room. We did not see her again. Needless to say, we did not try it.
Since then, I have tried to find out the name of that thing. I talked to people from Minneapolis, Germans, people who hang out in German restaurants, Google, etc. No one knew what I was talking about. It was not until we were visited by an Austrian relative that we found out the name of this snuff snapper, Schnupftabak-Schlender-Kanone.
This restaurant was fabulous for other reasons I may blog about later. The restaraunt's website is ( Under gifts they call the thing a snuff board. This name is a bland euphemism ignoring the delivery part of it. If you find yourself in Minneapolis for any reason, make sure you visit this place!

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