Friday, March 23, 2007

Broad Brushstrokes

Never assume anything. I know it is hard, stereotypes grow as our little minds try to organize everything. So Mr. Strom wants to heal race relations in Springfield. I do not know Mr. Strom at all, although he seems kinda old guard to me. Part of the problem? I wish him all the best on that issue.

Big testostorone fueled mega pickup truck passed me on the right on Jefferson Mon. Night. He honked, rolled down his window and gave me a thumbs up sign. Bubba, what you want ?, my little brain said. Then I noticed a little Obama sticker on his back windshield, maybe he approved of mine. Takes all kinds.

Jiffy Lube kid and I were conversing this am about stereotyping people and got me going on this.

By the way, last Sat night I went through the roadside safety checkpoint on West Jefferson. Too bad they were not set up when the 25 year old zoomed through and rolled himself out of life just down the road. Also too bad they did not catch the people still drinking beer in their suv at the light at Jeff and Walnut and luckily for them they turned before the checkpoint. Unlike some people, I am all for roadside safety checks! Darla

Monday, March 12, 2007

Giant Flag Post

Does anyone know anything about the giant flag post with American Flag that is newly behind Mid Town Tires on East Clear Lake. When going up over the rr overpass it looks like you are driving straight into it! Freaked me out this am when I saw it. It is very tall on a fat white pole. Info please! Darla

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Bit the apple, have knowledge I should not know

Found some information on the Internet about my neighbor. I was just looking for some dates of an issue I knew. Also, I already suspected my neighbor had substance abuse issues and mental problems. Due to her job, and other unknown reasons, her personal information on her problems was there for all to see. While I found it elucidating, on the other hand I think it is wrong for that information to be accessible by anyone. I sympathize with her on her mental health issues, as I too have suffered from depression and anxiety nearly all my life. That said, I will have no contact with her. If she or her dogs get on our property I will have to call the authorities, the same if she harasses me in any manner. I feel bad about this but also feel I have a right not to be screamed at and called obscene names. Also, have a right to work on my property without stepping in or otherwise getting dog excrement on my person. Darla