Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Tangential, eh?

Governor Blago says the federal probe into wrongdoing in his administration or him is tangential, and not relevant to the people of Illinois (see Check this out, tangential. (n.d.). Unabridged (v 1.1).

Retrieved January 02, 2008, from website: –adjective
1.pertaining to or of the nature of a tangent; being or moving in the direction of a tangent.
2.merely touching; slightly connected: tangential information.
3.divergent or digressive, as from a subject under consideration: tangential remarks.
4.tending to digress or to reply to questions obliquely.

I say perhaps this statement fall under meanings #2,#3 and # 4

Therefore, using his own statement, the probe is relevant to the people of Illinois. Darla